Tuesday, December 22, 2015


Welcome to The Oak Ridge Ward Preparedness Blog!

It is my hope and prayer that this will act as a (simple) guide to obtain moderate preparedness within the next 52 weeks of 2016. Each week will have a new posting.

Each week I will cover 4 types of preparedness.

Food Storage (short term and long term)
Other/Long Term Items (long term food storage or other)
Family Preparedness
Spiritual Preparedness

This information is a collaboration of study from different sources. Scriptures and other media from the LDS Church (namely LDS.org and ProvidentLiving.org, etc.) as well as other websites, blogs, books, personal insights/experiences and ideas from people much smarter than me.

Please note that this is not a professional compilation. This is for the use of the Oak Ridge Ward, to be used as a guide while obtaining your own personal and family preparedness by truly preparing "every needful thing". (D&C 109:8)

May we all be blessed as we strive to keep the commandments and become prepared for whatever is to come.

"Are we prepared for the emergencies in our lives? Are our skills perfected? Do we live providently? Do we have our reserve supply on hand? Are we obedient to the commandments of God? Are we responsive to the teachings of prophets? Are we prepared to give of our substance to the poor, the needy? Are we square with the Lord? 
We live in turbulent times. Often the future is unknown; 
therefore, it behooves us to prepare for uncertainties. 
When the time for decision arrives, the time for preparation is past."