Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Week 25 (for 2 people)

Sunday June 19, 2016

8 cans tomato sauce
1 case white sugar
Local pick up for a CASE of sugar at Home Storage will cost you $31.50 for 33.6 pounds. Alternately, pick up sugar for cheaper during a case lot sale and put in buckets. 
To purchase online, click here: $43.25

Sanitation supplies. It's not fun to talk about - but it's absolutely essential to know what to do as a bathroom facility in case of an emergency.  I picked one of these up in-store in Bountiful on sale for less than $13. They come with two enzyme deodorizing packets which will last a long time since you are supposed to use such a tiny amount. Alternately, you can use mint-scented, light-weight kitty litter. 
Then I purchased compostable, 13 gallon garbage bags from Smith's for $4.99. This way, you can bury the filled garbage bag and it will eventually turn into compost and the bag it's in will also compost. 

Battery powered radio and extra batteries, small shovel and WD40

Locate the shut-off valve for water and gas. Make sure these valves can be completely shut off. Your valves may be rusted open or it may only partially close. Replace if necessary.


When President Hinckley was the President of the church, I learned of the "prophet to prophet" challenge. What that means is this. Joseph Smith was born on December 23rd. President Hinckley was born on June 23rd. Those dates are exactly 6 months apart. Did you know that if you read 2.92 pages a day in the Book of Mormon, you'll have the whole book read within those 6 months? So basically, reading 3 pages a day (front, back, front) means you can read it TWICE a year! That is a leisurely pace and offers time for actual STUDY, not just a check mark that you're doing it. I challenge all of us to take the Prophet to Prophet challenge, beginning this Thursday, June 23rd!

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