Tuesday, December 22, 2015

WEEK 6 (for 2 people)

Sunday, February  7, 2016  


8 cans of vegetables


1 case your choice of beans  - click each to see online prices: Black, Pinto, Refried or White
For local pick up, you'll pay $37.50/case for 33# of black beans. $34.50 for both pinto and for refried beans.  Great Northern White beans are $36/case. Be advised that the refried beans are "quick cook" meaning that they rehydrate and soften within 20 minutes without having to soak them. However, they only last for 5 years instead of 30. You can also get Refried Beans from the Home Storage in a 25 lb. bag for $30.
This is on the Items of the Month order form handed out at church - where you write me a check and I go buy it for you and deliver it to your home!

Also, add to 72 HOUR KIT:
Flash light and AM/FM radio & extra batteries


Do you have a back up way to heat your home – or even a single room - if the power were to go out for an indeterminable time during the winter? 
Do you have a generator? 
Do you know a gas-powered generator needs to be run outside of your home so as not to risk carbon monoxide poisoning? 
Do you have gasoline stored to run it? 
How many gallons does it take to run it? 
How much fuel can you legally store?  
Do you know where you can legally store it?  
Do your research! Educate yourself on whatever back up source you want to use and how you plan to use it. 

If you plan to hunker down in your home, choose a room that naturally gets the most heat - either because of windows/the sun, or because it's upstairs (heat rises). 
Do you have plastic sheeting and a way to secure it over openings to keep your space warm? 
Would you put something over any windows to keep cold out? 
Tin foil? Plastic? Blankets? 
Is there enough room for all members of your family to sleep in there?
Can you run electricity from your generator to a space heater for that room?  
Make a plan now! 

Here is a great source of information on the How, What, When, Why and Where's of fuel. It is by Kaysville City, not Layton City. I cannot find a document for Layton's stipulations anywhere, but I would imagine it's close to Kaysville's since we share a border. If anyone can find the information, please let me know!

Here is a great informational resource as well from utah.gov's website.

If your family uses a wood stove, remember to check it periodically and clean it out. When cleaning the wood stove, use a metal bucket, not a plastic one, as a plastic bucket will melt. Place the bucket outside away from the house, not on the porch so as not to risk a fire hazard. 


"Your Heavenly Father created this beautiful earth, with all its abundance, for our benefit and use. His purpose is to provide for our needs as we walk in faith and obedience. He has lovingly commanded us to ‘prepare every needful thing’ (see D&C 109:8) so that, should adversity come, we may care for ourselves and our neighbors, and support bishops as they care for others.” 
(All is Safely Gathered In pamphlet)
Read full pamphlet online HERE.

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