Monday, December 21, 2015

Week 45 (for 2 people)

Week 45

Food Storage:
Spices, flavorings, bullion, condiments

Do you know what "food fatigue" is? 

Food or Appetite Fatigue
Appetite or food fatigue is a real thing. Usually affects the old and very young.

Starvation and Food Fatigue (also referenced as Appetite Fatigue) is not the same. One, Starvation is the lack of food, Food Fatigue is the presence of food but it would be the same rice day after day without any other flavors or textures.

We didn't see too much of this here in America though the very poor are the exception. These people experience eating the same simple foods day in and out.

Make a diet of beans and rice for 30 days and see how you feel about eating another bowl of beans and rice. This is breakfast, lunch and dinner. You won't be able to look at beans and rice one more time!
 I worked with a man, his wife is Russian. During the war they only had lintels to eat.. she can't even say the word with out wanting to throw up. If that is all you have to eat eventually you will not want to eat.

Historically, it was discovered that people had stored lots of food but it was all the same.. and yet they were starving with stores of food. It just happened the stores of food was all the same thing, no variety.

SPICES are the spice of life. STOCK UP!!!!

Family Preparedness: 
Teach your family to stop, drop and roll, as well as other safely guidelines that you are prompted to share.

Spiritual Preparedness:
Decide now to always heed prophetic council and warnings – whatever they might be – come what may.

I know of nothing of great importance that has happened in the world that the Lord through his prophets has not advised the people of beforehand, so that they have not been left in ignorance of what was to develop, but could plan their lives, if they would, to their advantage… The case of Noah is in point, He was commanded of the Lord to build an ark in which the righteous might be preserved from the flood which was to come. Noah built the ark and preached repentance to his generation for a period of one hundred and twenty years, thus fully warning them. The people, however, were so wicked that they failed to heed the warning. Having their agency, those chose evil rather than righteousness. The rains descended, and the floods came, and only Noah and his family of eight souls were saved. All had been fully warned, but because of their willfulness and their refusal to repent they were drowned,” (George Albert Smith, Conference Report, Apr. 1945, 136 – Teachings of Presidents of the Church, George Albert Smith, p. 60).

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