Tuesday, December 22, 2015

WEEK 2 (for 2 people)

Sunday, January 10th 2016

Was last week overwhelming? This week is a bit easier. Keep going on those 72 hour kits though - they are so important and will provide peace of mind when they're done. Be prayerful about what YOUR needful things are. They could differ greatly from a standardized list!

Food Storage:
8 cans of Cream of Chicken Soup

Extra Items:
1 case of wheat. Red wheat is slightly less expensive than white wheat. 
If you can pick it up locally, you'll pay about $16.50 for a case of red wheat, $18 for white wheat.
If you need it shipped, you can find the link here: Provident Living Red Wheat / White Wheat.
This is on the Items of the Month order form handed out at church - where you write me a check and I go buy it for you and deliver it to your home!

72 Hour Kit:
Add a blanket (wool is preferred) or sleeping bag per person. Also a sleeping mat.

Family Preparation:
By your night stand place a pair of gloves, flashlight and shoes in case of an emergency in the middle of the night.

Spiritual Preparation:
Read Matthew 25:35-40. Reach out to, and pray for those in need. Mentally prepare for a day in which you have the opportunity to help another in time of disaster or scarcity. Vs 40: Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

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